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Posts posted by Vall9X4562

  1. most of the time lag cant be fixed via low graphics settings, as KSP has to do alot of calculations and stuff. id recommend making a custom terrain detail preset so the game has less to render, it worked for me. the video i attached is a tutorial  to do it, and only requires a bit of computer knowledge. the video is from 2013, but it should work in the latest version.i can't guarntee it will fix the lag, but it did for me.


  2. I was messing around, deleting mods i didn't need, and after deleting the Kolephemus Mod because of some bug, every single ship in my save file is now completely gone. No matter where they were, what they had, all gone. even every single asteroid was completely gone, and all assigned kerbals were listed as "M.I.A" on the astronaut complex. i checked my save file, and the ships still exist, but are nowhere ingame. Even if i reinstall the mod, the ships are still gone. im playing 1.2.2


    Before wiped:


    After wiped:



    Is there anyway to get all my ships back? 


    On my main Sandbox save file, ive been trying to land some asteroids near the KSC, but for some reason, every time i switch vessels the asteroids continously jump or fall through the ground. this is really annoying, as it means i have to continously revert or reload a quicksave just to recover them. Im running a somewhat-heavily modded KSP 1.2.2, and the asteroids have nothing attached to them when they are on the ground. Im not using any physics mods, and i don't think mods are causing it. Does anyone know of a fix for this?

    EDIT: it seems it only happens when contolling them.

    EDIT2: It seems it sometimes happens to other vessels too, but rarely.

  4. I Somehow managed to get Valentina stuck in Kerbin's "Asteroid" Moon. (Im a imgur newbie so if pictures don't load blame me)


    And then i found that theres a peice of door underground at the destroyed VAB

    And then the Gyro Kraken attacked Valentina after trying to use hyperedit to get her out of the asteroid


    and finally, i travelled the speed of light.


  5. I went to Duna, had a manned rover, got out of the rover to place a flag, but forgot to turn the rover's brakes on resulting in the rover rolling down the hill. I couldn't catch up with it, and eventually decided to reload a quicksave i made while in orbit of Duna. 

    Edit: image is recreation of the scene


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