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Posts posted by Calster804

  1. I've been messing about with BDA recently in trying to make some navel combat, and i wanted to balance some of the weapons so that it was slightly more realistic (A carrier not being sunk by a CIWS for example) but im having a hard time understanding how to edit the hit points parts have. I'm using the 1.4.5 version of the large boats mod and it works fine in 1.11, but how do i edit their hit points? I also want to add the hull breech module to all of the LBP so that they can sink but again, I'm not the best at configs so am not quite sure how? Is there a way i could use Module manager to apply it to every part from large boats, but not everything else? And for the hit points, is there a way i could make it different for different parts, i.e. carriers get 40K points, medium parts get 20K etc. Sorry i know this is probably a bit much but is there also a way to make the joints between the parts stronger, because right now parts just snap off randomly and whenever i use vesal mover. 

    Thanks for the help (Mods i hope this is in the right place but please move it if im wrong)

  2. So i have an issue 

    For some reason when i load up this group of mods the craft dont load unless their right next to each other

    It's really weird and it's pretty annoying.

    <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/PeaSqpW"><a href="//imgur.com/PeaSqpW"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


    Hope this helps.

    Thanks in advanced




  3. Hello,

    So im looking to have a ksp war mess around thing but I’m kinda feeling done with the map of kerbin because it’s been done lots and because I kind of want a navel ish theme. Anyways my question is, can you change what the surface of kerbin looks like to a more island ish themed thing. My idea is like an island chain where you land on islands and all that. 


    Thanks in advance and and feel free to recommend any navel warfare mods or just genral good war mods 





  4. Just now, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Hi , i've just run some( half a dozen or more)  tests using the Jernas turret  and aim 120's  Using only the built in Jernas radar the missile turret behaved correctly , tracking locking and firing on the target as expected .

    I did not notice anything untoward, which leaves me to believe you have an issue with your  creation or your game.  Ensure that missiles are set to decouple forward when using a missile turret, most  radar guided Air to air missiles will work  as  ground launched. Heat seekers and Harms  are  not very good unless specifically configured for ground to air.  Also make sure the weap has enough EC available , low EC or no EC will produce poor results


    Wot does ec mean?

    how do I configure the missile properly 

    also im in 1.2.2

  5. On 1/2/2019 at 7:42 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Hi from your chosen selection of weapons  only the AIM 120 is likely to fire and is suitable fro ground to air use . However this depends completely on the design of the craft,  you appear too have some arrangement of missile rails , each missile has a maximum off bore sight region in which it can fire, if the target is outside this  then it simply cannot be fired by the AI,  for good reason, if the AI  did fire  at an extreme angle there's a better than even chance that the missile would not make the turn to the target and therefore be wasted. Add to that , from your images  the aircraft is approaching from behind the target, at an altitude that means it'll never come into that off bore sight area, then it's not going to work

    Also the jernas turret dose not turn when guard mode fires missiles from it 

  6. So I've been looking around for good ksp fireworks.... and found none.

    So i had an idea, what if you took the flares from BDA and then made them all different colours and they could act as like the small fireworks. 

    Still no big explosion fireworks which is a shame but maybe someone could help me make a bda missile which explodes like a firework?

    Would people be interested in that?

  7. So I’m surly nkt the only person who thinks Kerbal launches are not as cool as real one. They don’t sound as awesome and the screen doesn’t shake like at all. So dose anyone know a mod,which makes launches more impressive in a more screen shaking pounder just more realistic sort of way. Better plumes would be cool too.



  8. 3 minutes ago, panzer1b said:

    Then again, i almost exclusively play KSP by making stock weapons and fighting between factions i have set up, so i dont think my use of rovers tanks is what id call the norm

    Ohh do yiu do stick stuff I mainly play with BDA and stuff.


    37 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    OK, this is a rough map of my Kerbin route:


    I don't have a map of the Mun route, sorry, but I have a couple screenshots of all the flags I laid out:




    also thanks for the map that’s really cool. How did,yiu cross the sea though 

  9. So I’ve landed kerbals on the mun and I’ve decided that the best “next step” for my space program would be to send a rover to the muns poles or somewhere else but then I realised. What’s the point? Will it give me more science or money or what. Apart from being realistic what is the point of rovers on ksp if you arnt using them for base building/maintenance. Please tell me what you think rovers are good for. 


    Also mods if if this isn’t in the right place,then please move it to the right forum.

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