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Everything posted by Hoggorm

  1. Thank you again! I just tried it out and it worked very well! Thanks a lot!
  2. Thank you Michal, I've not tried this yet since I'm not home just now, but I have one question: You say I should attach the docking port on the tom part. As of now I have it on the Science Junior. Should I remove it from there, and reattach it as a root part? What is the tom part you mention?
  3. Hi, I have a command module and a Mun lander that I'd like to launch together. Unfortunately, I am not able to merge as intended and was wondering if anyone could help me. Please see attached images: I am able to connect them if I place the lander on top of the command module, but that is not what I want. I would like to have the lander under the command module engine. I've tried to use various decouplers on the engine for example the TR-2C Stack Separator. I can attach the decoupler to the engine on the command module, but the lander will not connect to it. I've also tried to attach a docking port to the TR-2C. It works, but again the lander will not attach to it. Any suggestions on how I can fix this? Thank you!
  4. Ah, thank you! Never used the claw, so that will be a first. The station will be in the way when I decouple the engine and fuel tanks. I do not think I have enough SAS power to do anything about that... It is no way I can ignite the engine after I've decoupled the stage?
  5. Thank you, guys. As an additional question I have this three fuel tank plus one engine stage that I used to place a space station in orbit. The station is now perfectly where I want it, but I do not want the nearly empty fuel tanks and engine there. I forgot to place a docking port on this part, but I can decouple it from the space station. Is there a way to deorbit it? There is enough fuel left to deorbit it, but of course I have no mean to control it either...
  6. Hi, I was wondering what to do with the space debris that is left after a rocket launch? If I remove it in the tracking station, does it actually disappear or is it just that I am unable to track it anymore?
  7. Hi, After playing KSP, and exiting the software, my Windows 10 is really slow. The problem is only fixed after a restart of the computer. The CPU does not appear to be at high demand. While playing KSP everything flows nicely, no stutter at all. After quitting KSP the computer the fans for the CPU and RAM reduces RPM and stabilize at an idle speed. Still the performance of the computer appears to be as if it was under very, very high demand. Examples of issues: Starting a web browser takes a very long time. After clicking on an icon on the desktop it takes ages before it is marked/selected. Clicking on anything down in the lower right corner of the task bar only shows the frame for a long time. Any help solving this problem would be highly appreciated. It is annoying having to restart the computer after every play of KSP...
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