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Everything posted by Hiatsu2k8

  1. Basically, I attempted to load an autosave by holding F9 or whatever. In the end it loaded it a very old quicksave from the very beginning of my career mode. When I quit and reloaded I had lost all of my progress. Is there anyway to get it back?
  2. More specifically Im having trouble getting a rover on the ground of Dune
  3. So I guess this also applies to the same reason my rocket starts flipping end over end when entering into the atmosphere. Im having problems with longer flights, making a ship and then getting it all the way to Duna or another interstellar body only to find out my ship has a fatal error. Any tips you can give me?
  4. When trying to use parashoots on Duna they don't deploy until the craft is almost at the ground and they never even open. Can someone enlighten me?
  5. Thanks, while were on the subject of mapsat does anyone know why there is no terrain for Jool?
  6. Subject says it all, it seems like the coordinates from the mapsat are not as detailed as the mechjeb ones are if you click on the planets surface, that or im just putting them in wrong. Any advice?
  7. I downloaded the olympus launcher refuel station and even at stage 5 my laptop is lagging so bad I can't control it.
  8. Hiatsu2k8

    Past 50k!

    What update was it when they added the map? I remember playing and just thinking you made rockets that always blew up. Later I found out you could actually orbit but there was no map to help you yet.
  9. While I'm playing it seems that when the game lags the fuel consumption between tanks offsets. Basically, when I launch fuel drains evenly but when a lag spike happens it causes the drainage to change and then the engines don't all shut down at the same time. Anyone else having this problem?
  10. I have this ship, its kind of big and it always starts to flip end over end as I launch. I built it after another ship that I downloaded off the forum, except I made a bit bigger for longer flights. Check it out see if you can tell me what the problem is. Plugins are the MechJeb and MAPSAT
  11. My spacecraft launches fine but when I reach a certain altitude it starts flipping and I can't stop it. Anyone have any suggestions?
  12. Anyone ever try the Seperatron? I feel like it would just launch whatever I want "separated" into my craft. If used successfully let me know.
  13. I would really like to see some youtube videos of someone going to every planet/moon with stock gear. Full video, no editing, that shows the ship launching and getting there in one try, landing and all.
  14. I was going to say that last night but didn't feel like it. It's easy to get to Duna, I already got there since all you have to do is burn hard for a while, it's just like the Mun. I'm so sick of doing the same "Mun Like" maneuvers and I don't want to start putting bases on the planets it's dumb (only because I already did it). Like I said I love the game, don't get me wrong, I hate building a ship, getting the stages just right, testing it, balancing it, double checking it, then getting out of Kerbin orbit, burning, waiting, then missing my rendezvous, or running out fuel, and then I have to start over just to deal with the same crap. If there are planets there should be a better planning portion as well, the one in place now is junk for interplanetary travel.
  15. I would really like a more intuitive flight planning system. I can't do the math myself but I don't want something to take over all the flight like mechjeb. I like how it shows a rendezvous point with an interstellar body but there's too much space and too much guess work. I would really like a mod (or maybe in a future update) that would show a map of the system, creating a simulation inside a simulation. Showing how things would go for you while traveling in space. You would still have to make the course corrections and burn times yourself, and you would know your actually getting somewhere at the same time.
  16. Listen, ever since .17 came out people have been talking about calculators, and ejection, insertion points, and all kinds of angles and blah blah blah! I'm so tired of hearing all the technical stuff. I have an 11 month old daughter and a wife, that I already worry about insertion with, and I have no time to write scripts or deal with calculus, trigonometry, angles, ejection, PLANETARY insertion points, etc.... PLEASE PEOPLE, there has got to be a better way. I challenge all you geniuses, rocket scientists, NASA employees, programmers, GOD, and especially the developers themselves to help all us normal people!!!
  17. Is there anyway to apply this method to helping me get all the debris out of my game?
  18. What does the impulse stat on the engines mean as opposed to thrust?
  19. I read your link and everything you said makes no sense at all to me.
  20. Do they all look the same? Tonight i was orbiting the Mun and saw something that look like an archway on the surface.
  21. The other day I saw a screen on the addons forum of the squad relic on the Mun, is it real or part of an addon?
  22. Pretty straight forward, I see screens with people building mun bases and I was wondering how you get those objects into space and then land them. Also I downloaded BACE and Im not sure how to get it up into orbit.
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