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Everything posted by hcs0822

  1. Thank you very much! Module Manager was the one thing I failed to upgrade. Works great now!! Thanks Again!
  2. MJ works beautifully, after 1.3 update, without a hitch. But I would like MJ functionality automatic, without adding a part, but is part of every command module. The mod "MechJeb Embedded Universal" by Dennis6492 is what I was using prior to 1.3, and it added MJ to every command pod and was amazing. And removed the career mode tree buys. From what I have read, it is just a .CFG file, to be caught by ModuleManager, to edit the parts/functionality during loading without hacking sarbian's hard work. I found numerous posts from several years ago about the same issue, and saw many suggestions to make edits to the MJ .CFG files. I have tried those, and as it sits now the tech tree us completely unlocked, but still missing the automatic MJ connection without the part.
  3. Hi all!! Been playing KSP for a while now, and have really become used to having MechJeb automatically on all ships, in career mode. Since the update to 1.3 I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. I was using MechJeb Embedded, but since 1.3 update it hasnt worked. I have tried suggestions I have found, editing the CFG file, creating a new one, neither work. MechJeb Embedded loads, dosent crash KSP, but it dosent work. Any ideas? Is there an update in the works?
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