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Everything posted by Rikjs

  1. This is my first successful Mun Lander craft. Unfortunately I forgot to snap some shots of it in action, but you can see the mission report. Obviously it can be improved. ASAS was an after-thought, for example. Not exactly sure at what point I was doing 8,409m/s. As you can see from the mission report, I screwed up the Mun launch and ended up on a huge orbit. There\'s enough fuel in the return stage to deal with bad Mun launches and still come in for a nice landing, a measly 3.1G maximum altogether. I think that was at launch. Problems: 1) The lander stage might be a bit thin on fuel. You don\'t have to be super careful but I managed one inclination change and had a small bit left over to assist the return, not that it needs assistance. I\'d imagine it might be a bit tight if you have to boost PE to get into an orbit around the Mun. 2) The middle rocket burns out about half way to the Mun so you\'ll be left with a piece a debris in space, and use the lander stage to get you the rest of the way. 3) It\'s a bit unruly going up but nothing that can\'t be controlled manually. Feedback for a noob?
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