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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. As stated a few times in the thread already - a straighter trajectory is a good control for the competition - it's easy to repeat and puts the focus on rocket building rather than piloting. And in the even that someone's results are suspect - it's easier to prove or disprove the accusations with a straight shot than it is trying to hit a 'sweet spot' trajectory.
  2. Wow! Really impressed everyone! Keep up the amazing work!
  3. For the time being, the goal is 'highest velocity on a straight(ish) trajectory'. No hyperbolic trajectories/slinghosts/etc for now (maybe we'll have a 'best/craziest maneuver' competition later )
  4. For the last week, the members of my Physics III class have been competing in KSP to reach higher and higher goals of distance, velocity, and force. It's been a lot of fun and we wanted to open up our little competition to the rest of the community. So strap on your SRBs and hold on tight - The Great Velocity Race has begun! Objective: The objective of The Great Velocity Race is simple - build the fastest rocket you can! The current record holder is displayed below and will be updated every day/couple of days and as higher velocities are reached the first person to break a velocity milestone will be listed as well. These milestones will be determined as the competition progresses. Rules: 1 - Basic components only! No mods, addons, or altering of the part files. The point of the competition is to test your rocket-making skills, not your ability to download mods. 2 - You must provide a screencap of either your ship at apogee or the end mission screen. (posting both is preferred) 3 - Be Honest! This is just a friendly competition, there's nothing to prove and no reason to cheat! If shenanigans are suspected you may be asked to post your rocket file for confirmation. CURRENT RECORD Highest Velocity - 10418.9 m/s - Minthos MILESTONES (to be added)
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