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Everything posted by Space_Falcon

  1. I have a Thrustmaster T16000 stick and a Saitek X-55 Rhino throttle. I mapped my throttle to axis on both systems but it didn't work. I was using slider axis instead of recentering ones for throttle. After reading your comment I mapped my throttle to a recentering axis just to see if it works, but it didn't (and even if I don't like using a recentering axis for throttle).I'm already used to these systems from DCS and IL-2 Sturmovik but it only occurs in KSP on throttle (as I said pitch,yaw,roll are fine).
  2. I mapped my throttle controls to one of my joystick axis for more precise VTOL flight. But the game only responds to my keyboard (shift/ctrl) commands for throttle.I mapped pitch,yaw and roll to my joystick aswell without any problems.I tried using different axis but nothing works.
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