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Everything posted by Kiwivenge

  1. Awesome guys thanks so much for the input! You are very correct in that I do not want to change the gameplay outright with mods. However your suggestions that improve the graphics and looks of the game I will definitely look into. The other ones that come with caution I will look at a bit later, however I have heard that Engineer is quite good without making things easy. It seems it simply gives you information to work with. One mod I have seen talked about is a science one that helps you keep track of what science you can still cash in on (ot something like that). Not sure how invasive this is to game play but sure sounds handy. As far as my gameplay, absolutely loving it and have no real need to change it yet. Just rescued my first and then second Kerbal in orbit. My ship was wonky, hardly went where I wanted it to in the atmosphere. Once up there I managed to do what needed to be done to come home with another Kerbal Loving the game.
  2. Hello, I am quite new to KSP and have not tried any mods yet. I am playing on career mode if that makes any difference. Are there any mods that are considered essential or just about? My PC seems to run the game with ease (so far) so maybe some visual enhancement mods would be good. It might be in the game and I just haven't figured it out, but some sort of height above ground indicator might be nice. Sometimes having a chute set at 3000 doesnt cut it when the ground is that high ... Hmm, not sure, really am just a KSP rookie looking for suggestions. Thanks ahead of time for any info
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