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  1. whaoo! It sounds great, I will try this method. Thank you !
  2. I really want to know how to decelerate efficient for landing. example, landing to mum, If I decelerate too early, my vessel will drop down, and I have to decelerate again, this will waste some fuel. If I decelerate too late, It's dangerous to crash. so, How to know, what altitude is best to decelerate can save fuel? I see MechJeb didn't have this Item that can display this information. But I use its auto landing function, I see its operation, it's good, very efficient. no more redundant action. But, I don't like auto-operation, I like to control by myself hand
  3. Great! It works, maybe I use a wrong version camera tool. Thank you very much
  4. I install Camera Tools mod, but I can't find any changes in my game UI, so, I don't know how to use it? maybe there is some hotkey that can active Camera Tools? This is list that is my all mods: EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements MechJeb2 scatterer Squad SquadExpansion StockVisualEnhancements ModuleManager.3.0.7.dll
  5. I use 8 RAPIER Engine and keep my plane's weight is about 165t, and it's hard to fly to orbit(spend too much time), and I can change my orbit to circle orbit, but there is no fuel to back Kerbin. I want to add some more fuel to increase my deltaV, but the weight is increased too, and I have to add more Engine, then fuel will be not enough, my god, bad death circle. my plane will be more and more big Does anyone know the key data of desgin of SSTO spaceplane? like how many engine can take how much weight plane to orbit, what's the best TWR ? and some fly skill in atmosphere Thank you
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