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Everything posted by Eagleye

  1. Thanks for the help, I always thought it produced more EC and didn't understand why my rovers didn't really work as good as I expected. BTW I play sandbox , so I don't have to worry about being restricted with parts and/ or loosing all the money because I am able mess up literally anything. Also, I will check the mod because it looks interesting.
  2. Hi, I want to make a rover that can run all day using the PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (it's this one http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/PB-NUK_Radioisotope_Thermoelectric_Generator), but I don't understand how it works. I've been searching on the internet for some time, but unfortunately, I didn't find anything useful. Can someone please explain to me how to properly use it? Thanks for your help.
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