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Posts posted by Havocado

  1. Nope, it's a desktop. Without mods, perfectly fine, constant 100 fps (unless part count >200). As soon as I installed any function heavy mods (FAR, SCANsat, etc), my RAM usage boosted to 100%. Although I'm mostly fine with it. Except probably BDarmory because it has PhysicsRangeExtender dependency, which blows my rig right to 10 FPS.

    Like I said, I didn't think it has anything to do with the game, probably because mods in general is eating processes. Which means, I suspect it's my hardware.

  2. FYI: Posting this in case someone found a workaround. I'm positive it's not due to mods issue. Though probably because using mods in general.


    I think it's the CPU man. My PC is waaay lower than yours and I too have the same problem, albeit a bit lesser. Constant 30 fps (part count <100) with occasional freeze between 3-6 sec (everywhere, but mostly VAB/SPH when the part counts >80)

    And this is my spec:

    OS: Win7 64-bit               
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU —650 @ 3.20 GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
    Memory: 8192 MB

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 v2  (MSI)
                 Display Memory: 1736 MB

    This was running on 100% (RAM) and 80% (CPU). Yes, 0 free capacity. Both in KSP 1.3.0. and 1.3.1. with gargantuan amount of mods (OPM, B9, OPT, basically MM patch around 33k). Except visual mods (scatterer, EVE, etc.).

  3. Finally finished improving my Kerbin SOI Lander (8.5k dV) after modding the game. Twin Boar rise it up sub-orbital, and the Mammoth does the transfer. Complete with all science & scanner (except the big scanner and satellite thing) and lander fully reusable. I wish my PC is powerful enough to make the first stage recoverable... cause' that's where the money is (nearly 200k). Oh, I multiplied science earning to the max. That's why I had been able to built this thing on day 2.


    In Action :


    1. Mun Orbit


    2. Mun Landed


    3. Memoir


    4. Re-entry


    5. Final Descent


    6. Landed


    The reason for the excessive dV is because I intended the rocket to be fully reusable. Sadly, it's either my RAM blown first or the rocket next. That's why I just kinda get along with it.

  4. Easy Roleplaying.... Probably didn't make sense but here goes....

    Recovering Jeb from Minmus Landing at the North Pole


    Also trying to get her own space travel license


    The first is always something...


    Finally, Jeb and the team going for Munar Eclipse together


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