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Everything posted by mzzcrs

  1. Thanks for the reply, I'm trying to install BDArmory v0.2.1.0 for KSP 1.2.2, unless there's other versions that work, i'm sure there is but I could only find 1.2.2 version of KSP. https://ibb.co/kr63oQ https://ibb.co/bM4Chk https://ufile.io/178e0 KSP log files Thanks again, Mzzcrs
  2. Hey guys, I've been trying to get bdarmory to work for the past 2 days. I've looked up guides tried to install all versions of mods/ksp versions none seem to work. I can get the mod into game but the weapon manager does not work, no buttons work to open up the interface of weapons, guard menu or modules. Can someone please help me to get this mod to work. Thank you, Mzzcrs
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