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  1. Thanks for the guide, it was good to solidify theories I've gotten through trial-and-error. Though I want to point out that seeing that you having recently updated the guide while it still states drag is bad is damaging to leave in. If I was following this without having already worked out a lot of things from trial-and-error first, I would have thought that was still the case and most likely outright avoided bothering using the aerodynamic parts (something I actually did for awhile after having played the demo version - the demo version is an old build so I noticed that the parts were worse). At the very least, erase that part completely (as it has zero relevancy now) or write a very obvious disclaimer in bold that drag has changed since. Your guide is the top, and basically only well-titled, search result in google so just leaving it there makes it bad for new players (especially with the steam summer sale currently going).
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