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Everything posted by AstroE

  1. okay its been a month. Is this ship ACTUALLY in the works or are you just a new player who got themselves way in over their head promising a ship that is way above their skill level? At this point this thread should just be in the Mission ideas Forum.
  2. The planet in the Artwork on the front page looks like it doesn't feel so good...
  3. Here is my vtol cargo ssto that I have deemed The Pytheas Class Explorer Here is the forum
  4. Pytheas Class Explorer This is a fully function SSTO capable of a vertical take off and landing, and weighs a total of 558.445 tons. This is by far my largest successful SSTO, let alone VTOL Album Download
  5. I have built a fully functional cargo vtol ssto. It weighs 558 tons and is capable of getting into stable LKO. I decided to name is, The Pytheas Class Frigate. Or just The Pytheas Since i dont know how to embed an imgur album, here's a link: Imgur Album
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