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dolphinman 123

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Everything posted by dolphinman 123

  1. I've been playing ksp for quite a while and I never had any problems. But the nightmare started when it was updated to 1.3. At first i thought it was the mod causing the issue so I've uninstalled all of it and ran it without mod. It ran perfectly, but when i close the game and try to open the game the second time this happens https://imgur.com/a/15tH6 . The first run after installation is always fine but the problem always appears after that ( every time i wanna play the game i have to reinstall everything and its driving me crazy), even the backup of the first installation doesn't work. I have no mods, computer running win 10, i7, 8GB ram, nvidia GTX960M. please help, i really like the game but its now literally unplayable.
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