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Posts posted by RiceCakes85

  1. 5 hours ago, Brigadier said:

    How did you install the mods, with CKAN or manually?  If manually, are you sure you have included all of the dependencies?  Which USI mods exactly?  Which version of KSP?

    Read this topic on how to report problems.  Your following its guidance will help others assist you.


    I did an isolated test to check.  Going through the code, I *think* it has to do with using the same bayID reference in MKS and USI_LS, as well as the right click menu not properly updating in the VAB.  As soon as I go to flight, it goes away.  The right click menu also doesn't update for the resource converters.  I chased it for a little bit, but I didn't get very far with it and decided it was harmless enough to stop losing sanity over.  

  2. Hello Sir, 

    Loving your principia configs, really appreciate your hard work.  I would love to install your visual pack, but I'm running blackrack's clouds and I dont know how to make them play nice.  Just another vote from me that will hopefully inspire you to make a compatible graphics pack :)

  3. On 6/15/2023 at 2:43 AM, Leosky said:


    I made a fork of the project with the issues concerning the active strategies and incorrect active strategies limit . I can't contact you in private due to forum policy and i don't know if you are still around. I would like to know if you wish to keep your repo alive or if i have to make a formal fork. Sorry for my poor phrasing, i'm a very long time english user. 

    Thank you for informally updating this.

  4. LaunchPad FX science showing up in checklist.  99% sure its Kopernicus related.  I uninstalled it and it went away.  



    player log:



    Love this mod, appreciate the hard work.  


    Edit:  Added "LaunchpadFX" to the text filters in settings and science, seems to have nuked it.  

    Edit2: Kerbin's ROC showed up when I added a scanning arm to a rover (I think).  A text filter in the science.cfg file removed it from the list.  


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