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Everything posted by TonyH01za

  1. I know it usually it doesnt matter it there is a large base segment and the rest are attached to it but with some of my other attempts at making planes, they had longer/larger wings and had serious wobbling segment issues which I also used struts to try and solve.
  2. Probably right. Is there a way one can connect the wing segments so that they are attached to each other as well as the body of the aircraft?
  3. Guess I can mark this a solved. Thanks for your input everyone It is kinda cool. maybe more struts would make a more solid looking air cone. Though it is a bit weird and "messy" (doesnt look quite symetrical from all angles when I'm playing) so I agree it should probably be fixed
  4. Oh well, would have been cool if was really making a mach cone! Maybe I'll just leave it there
  5. Lol I went into the game and tried removing things. Put smaller landing gear on the bottom, replaced the nacelles at the back with tanks (tried that before I think). Nothing changed. Then, as an afterthought I removed the little struts that I put between certain segments of the wings (can see them in the first picture, on the edges) and ... no more "mach cone" circle effect! I put them there cause I was worried that the segments weren't properly connected and would wobble like they've done on some of my other planes. And I assumed they were physics-less.
  6. Aha! Yes, that sounds right! The two large tubes at the back (before the small tanks and engines) are ... nazelles (I think there called) for taking in air and are supposed to be attached radially, I think, or under the wings. Or maybe something else clipping, like you say. I'll check. That could be true as well. Hmmm ...
  7. These are all the mods I use. - Chatterer- CommunityCategoryKit- CommunityResourcePack- DistantObject- EasyVesselSwitch- EvironmentalVisualEnhancements- KAS- KerbalEngineer- KIS- Kopernicus- LightsOut - MagicSmokeIndustries (infernal robotics)- ModularFlightIntegrator- PlanetaryBaseInc - Scatterer- Squad- StockVisualEnhancements-TextureReplacer (for diverse kerbal heads only)- TriggerTech (alarm clock)- TweakScale Btw I used tweakscale with this jet but only with the landing gear, as Im in career mode and havent unlocked the large landing gear yet. Thanks! Bleh I keep merging replies when I want to make new posts.
  8. Fairly sure. Got EVE and scatterer. Dont know what else could add it. Can give a list of my mods if you want.
  9. Oh ok. Not using FAR. Cant really see it properly in the pics but the weird thing is that the large circles are perpendicular to the small circles created around the midsection.
  10. Hehe ... thought that too but there was no sound effect while flying... it was going about 350 mps when the the pics were taken. What is that, mach 2 or something? It also builds up slowly, from about 200 mps I think. I have a feeling its something to do with the wings ...
  11. Thanks. I am proud of it. Don't know what to name it yet though
  12. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why my jet makes these circular air stream effects when flying. None of the other jets Iv'e made do it. Tried searching the web but cant find pics of other ksp jets doing it. Is it because its so cool! and fast? Or is there something weird about the design? Here's some screenshots.
  13. Ok. Thanks for your help everyone. Its fixed. It turn out to be an integrity problem which I fixed with steam, but I first had to make a new steam folder on another drive (C:) and then move the game there via steam (which is the proper way to move steam games, didn't know that till now). Then I removed mods and verified integrity. After that it was fixed. I think my D: steam folder has some sort of pesky win10 file permission problem so it was maybe blocking steam from fixed the necessary files. Thanks again!
  14. Hi. Yes, I had that same problem with scatterer with the version I got from Curseforge. Recently found another version that "seems" to work, but I'm still suspicious of it. Someone on the steam forum also suggested the ocean shaders. Thanks, will try it.
  15. Hi. Ummm ... good question .... doesn't it add rings or something to some of the stock planets? .... I might have been planning to add extra planets mod and then forgot. Not sure.
  16. Hello, I'm new to the forum. I wonder if someone could please help me with a graphic/visual bug I have when inside the VAB or SPH hangers? Ive searched the internet high and low but cant find a solution as it seems to be very uncommon. The problem/bug is that the terrain (the ground) on the "outside scenery" of the hangers is missing and I see only sky (with the exception of the runway and launchpad floating out in emptiness). I can send a screenshot if you want but not sure how. I recently upgraded to KSP v1.3 on steam and after much hard work finally managed to get all the mods I find necessary to work. Here is a list of everything in my GameData folder; - BoulderCo - Chatterer - CommunityCategoryKit - CommunityResourcePack - DistantObject - EasyVesselSwitch - EvironmentalVisualEnhancements - KAS - KerbalEngineer - KIS - Kopernicus - LightsOut (Installed this only to see if it would replace the missing terrain texture - but it didn't, so probably not a culprit) - MagicSmokeIndustries (infernal robotics) - ModularFlightIntegrator - PlanetaryBaseInc - Scatterer - Squad - StockVisualEnhancements -TextureReplacer (for diverse kerbal heads only) - TriggerTech (alarm clock) - TweakScale - ModuleManager 2.8.1.dll + a few modulemanger config files I also use CKAN to install mods (except for scatterer). I'm running KSP on a Win10 Asus laptop with core i5 processor and GeForce GTX 950m graphics card (Ive made a custom graphics settings profile for KSP in Nvidia control panel after trouble with antialiasing, vsync and vertical screen tearing). Not sure but the issue seemed to occur after I installed scatterer (the most recently installed mod - aside from LightsOut), which is apparently not available for v1.3 on the official mod websites (at least the version they have didnt work for me) but I manage to find a version that stated it was 1.3 compatible and it seems to work fine so far. The rest of the mods were installed with CKAN which states that they are 1.3 compatible. It also "might" have happened after I installed textureReplacer to get Diverse Kerbal Heads but, from what Ive seen, there is nothing in textureReplacer that effects terrain textures (at least Ive installed nothing). There is EnvMap folder but its empty. I also recenty moved my KSP game folder from where Steam installed it (D:/ProgramFiles (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common) to D:/KSP after I was having trouble with win10 file permissions when trying to delete mods (acces denied). I had to use safemode to move the game folder. This (and textureReplacer) was before I installed scatterer and noticed the bug. Aside from this small but annoying VAB/SPH graphics bug, everything seems to be working 100%, but I would really, really like to get rid of it as it kinda gets on my nerves. If someone could please help me I would be very grateful.
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