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Everything posted by Muttzor

  1. @stali79 I see what looks like mirrored cargo bays in that picture. Cargo bays cannot be attached directly in mirrored mode or one will attach "backward" to the wrong nodes (inside instead of outside nodes) and cause immense drag. Don't know if that's part of your problem, but if you are rebuilding that beast, you'll likely have to deal with it. 6th post down on here for longer explanation and fix:
  2. Thank you! Will cut down on part count next time I want to cram VTOL engines in those things, since I won't have to awkwardly center the mounts using structural parts connected to the end nodes.
  3. Tried to respond to your OPT J deployment bay posts, but my post is showing as hidden.  I spent 5 days trying to figure it out, and figured out something is wrong with the inside bottom node.  If you attach to it, you can't unattach the bay itself and reattach it (which was my first clue).  Just don't use that node.  If the bay is properly attached using the bigger outside nodes, you can attach items to the inside nodes on the ends and get no drag on items inside the bay.  Didn't look at total drag for the bay, but this might fix that problem too.  I hope that helps!

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  4. @stali79 The node inside the J deployment bay at the bottom doesn't work right. If you attach to it, you will get drag. The INSIDE nodes on the ENDs of the bay work though. Hope that helps!
  5. EDIT - partially solved: although nothing ever shows as "shielded" in the debug menu (under fairings OR in cargo bays), parts properly stowed in STOCK cargo bays are showing no drag once the craft gets going. Looks like an issue of bays added in mods (as far as drag actually being applied to stowed parts). I don't know how to delete a post, but someone who can may want to knock this one out. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I posted this on the modded forum and got no replies, so I'm trying it here, as I've had the same problem on a brand new install as well. I've searched and cannot find why my cargo bays won't shield anything from drag. I've knocked out all the usual suspects I can find, and here's what I've done: 1. I've used different types of cargo bays, mk 2, all the mk 3s (and some OPT ones before my clean install) 2. NO clipping anywhere. 3. Internal parts attached to nodes inside cargo bay. 4. Tried different parts 5. No external parts attached to cargo bays except inline by external nodes. For testing used fuel tanks of same type as cargo bay attached to either end with one random tester part inside bay attached to internal node, nothing else but landing legs attached to fuel tanks and maybe a drone core attached to a fuel tank to allow actuation of bay doors. I load it up on the runway, look inside bay and parts (using debug menu) are showing NO for "shielded." Open and close bay doors, no difference. I haven't played the game in days because space planes are what I'm doing at this point, and useless cargo bays ruin space planes IMO. Please help?
  6. EDIT - partially solved: although nothing ever shows as "shielded" in the debug menu (under fairings OR in cargo bays), parts properly stowed in STOCK cargo bays are showing no drag once the craft gets going. Looks like an issue of bays added in mods (as far as drag actually being applied to stowed parts). I don't know how to delete a post, but someone who can may want to knock this one out. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I've searched and cannot find why my cargo bays won't shield anything from drag. I've knocked out all the usual suspects I can find, and here's what I've done: 1. I've used different types of cargo bays, both stock and OPT. 2. NO clipping anywhere. 3. Internal parts attached to nodes inside cargo bay. 4. Tried different parts 5. No external parts attached to cargo bays except inline by external nodes. For testing used fuel tanks of same type as cargo bay attached to either end with one random tester part inside bay attached to internal node, nothing else but landing legs attached to fuel tanks and maybe a drone core attached to a fuel tank to allow actuation of bay doors. I load it up on the runway, look inside bay and parts (using debug menu) are showing NO for "shielded." Open and close bay doors, no difference. Used several types of different sized bays, mk3, mk2, OPT J, no difference. *(edit) I finally removed all mods and made a simple tester as described above and had the same results, but I will list my mods here anyways, since I put it in the modded category. xScience (doubtful) CommunityResourcePack (didn't install this? came with another mod?) Firespitter (didn't really want this one either...came with Infernal Robotics I think) InterstellarFuelSwitch Infernal Robotics MechJeb2 MechJeb2 Embedded by Dennis6492 OPT Planetshine (doubtful) TextureReplacerReplaced TweakScale Module Manager 2.8.0 I am running 1.3 with all mods updated and (I thought) working. I'm trying to get some space planes flying around and I use cargo bays extensively, so this issue is killing me. Any help would be very much appreciated!
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