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Everything posted by ombrel

  1. I guess I own you grats, You gave me fresh look on the subject and I've found missing link. I've started new game and had a closer look at the new tech tree were apparently all the changes has been applied. after a couple of nods unlocked I've started to compare peristent files, and I've found those double entries. is the persistent file full unlocked in sandbox mode? or it is different from career? (need one to compare) pff.. I guess I need to work harder on science now to unlock what is missing thanks again Chris
  2. Thanks for the reply, I mean save itself is working fine even contracts survived ;), only what annoys me are those missing parts. especially half of advanced aerodynamics and 2nd antenna (folded) I am still playing though and looking for solution - 2 weeks now I have seen ppl were discussing finding and deleting double entry's of certain parts in persistent file. unfortunately no double entrys in mine. Hope there is a way to fix it, I mean I am not that eager to start over again with full Kerbin survey and kind of stubborn to let go the issue cheers
  3. Hi guys, KSP Version: v1.3.0.1804 Windows 7 64-bit, updated from version from year 2015 (bought on gog) What Happenned: I've launch the game after 2y break, gog has kept ksp up to date. researched/owned parts I was using previously to build crafts are not available anymore. almost all the crafts has info: Unavailable Experimental Parts This vessel contains experimental parts which are not available at the moment" pics attached below. They were not build over the TEST contracts. I've tried to make fresh installation, nothing has changed. Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock Pictures/Log Files: - Images Link: http://imgur.com/a/9A0dp - Craft and persistent File https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6EdMCpXW9D8cS1PNlhsWE1aT0E I have tried to search over google but no clear answer there. Any help much appreciated, Chris
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