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Everything posted by ImGr8M8

  1. Yeah you paste it into the search bar. And also, how do I share pictures on a iOS phone?
  2. Hmmm... are you sure your highlighting it all the way? Are you clicking copy and then pasting it into the search bar? Oh Btw, that’s the only way I know how to share ship files ( cuz I haven’t done it before )
  3. Ok I’ll be sure to do that tommorow. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. Ps: My plane is pretty bad
  4. So, as usual, I’m building a plane in the SPH. Everything looks good, but shortly after launch my airplane starts drifting around in circles. I’ve tried everything from disabling SAS to spacing the back landing gear apart more. Please help. Oh btw, this is on the ground and not in the air.
  5. Sorry you had to type all of that I feel really bad. But I didn’t phrase the sentence correctly. What I meant was that my plane spins out of control on the runway. And sorry about the improper section I posted this in, its just that, I’m new to these forums so I don’t know how things work around here. Once again, I am so sorry that you had to type all of that, but thanks for the info!
  6. I don’t use any mods and I use intakes.
  7. Hi, so lately I have been interested in building planes. I’ve made a few, but most of them burnout on the runway shortly after launch. I’ve tried lowering engine power, turning SAS off, spacing the landing gear at the back further apart, but nothing is working. Please help.
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