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  1. MM was not the issue but i just made a fresh install of KSP and installed the visual mods and OPT first then all the other stuff and now it works. Well, thanks anyway.
  2. I've followed the installation video just fine and KSP works pretty good without OPT. When i installed OPT, it crashes on startup. Now, i looked into error.log and it said "mono.dll" on the first line i read, so from a previous issue in this thread that had been resolved involving mono.dll, i thought i just had an outdated mod installed, however in that case KSP should simply crash even without OPT. Now there was in fact an outdated mod installed which is planetshine, that was never updated since the 1.2 version works in 1.3 as well. Wondering if this was causing issues, i removed planetshine and the game still crashed on launch, so now i'm clueless. Help please. I've put both crashlogs in a zip file and uploaded them to mega: https://mega.nz/#!3ZV3DQwA!6ZEiMbVuFZY22-8gamShLcGgRIn0-deumjduXyaWtbc
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