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Everything posted by Haine

  1. I\'ve tried this for the longest, but I couldn\'t achieve sufficient results, the aerodynamics went to hell. Granted I went for something more advanced in the VF-21 Sturmvogel & VF-19 from Macross. I don\'t think Kerbal\'s flight physics is up to snuff for all the innate control surfaces on the jets.
  2. Great recreation. I tried something similar, but it seems double tail fins creates too much drag, so getting off the ground I just barrel roll into the ground. D: I had to reposition my wings, I also used Forward Swept wings with built in aileron\'s (I\'ve C7\'s add on installed) also @awaras if I could figure out a way to make a proper transforming YF-21. I don\'t think I\'d leave my comp chair. =P
  3. I don\'t know how many people are familiar with macross, or robotech here for that matter. But I was wondering, anyone know either through seeing the mods or first handed attempts know whither or not you can recreate one of the Valkyrie\'s? I\'m not under the impression it\'s possible with stock parts. But would you know of any mods that might help me?
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