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  1. I got a problem with this. After I install the MOD, the other planet looks great. But after I change back to the base the ground on the Kerban are excessive exposure. Day time the ground looks like the snow cover all the ground and the building are so hard to see.
  2. Yes, I do. but I don't know why there's not that file. Is strange Oh I see, I think I know why
  3. I search in that file but nothing found, my "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" are turned on, still nothing.
  4. Got it!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsdyq1s14xv0sxg/output_log.txt?dl=0
  5. Do you have email or anything I can send you the file? Because the insert media doesn't work here I don't know. The MOD I've been installed is [ASET_Props-1.4], [Back_In_Black-0.1], [DockingPortAlignment-6.7.0], [KAX_v2.6.4], [KerbalGalaxy2_0.6], [OPT v2.0.1]
  6. Hi, I really like your MOD, but there is an issue I don't know how to fix it and I'm not sure did this happened on many people? When I install the MOD, my FPS gets drop so hard, in the base my fps only have 20FPS, and some times it drops to 10 or even lower. Do you have any suggestion to solve the problem? My computer is I7 6700K, NVIDIA GTX1080Ti, 32g DDR4. Please let me know. Thank you
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