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Posts posted by Cat91

  1. Here's my entry :)

    First mission


    The dawn of the space age


    Another happy landing


    First steps on Minmus


    Launch with PASSION


    Far away from home




    Using my forum name is good. Thank you :)

  2. Greetings, and thank you for providing such a great visual pack! It's not really a GPU demanding pack compared to others, but also beautiful, it really took my gameplay to a new level.

    However I soon found out that the sun becomes a burning potato without scatterer installed: 


    After messing around with the files I found these lines in Kopernicus_terrain.cfg:

    		sunLensFlareColor = 0, 0, 0, 0
    		sunAU = 2500000000

    I figured that these lines are used to disable the stock flares so the scatterer flare can stand out. But I really don't have a PC can run that, so I replaced these lines with the lines in SVE:

    			//sunLensFlareColor = 255, 255, 255, 40
    			//sunAU = 2500000000
    			sunlightIntensity = 0.75
    			scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.65
    			IVASunIntensity = 0.75

    Then the stock sun flare is back!


    Probably useful for those who doesn't have a computer to run Scatterer. :P

  3. Hello, I think I found a way to avoid the 'cannot convert string to tuple' error.

    open ksparser.py ,change line 176,177 to: (probably not the best way

                if line.split()[0] == "modSize":                                    #(line below this one) "modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)" -> (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), y<>z
                        self.modSize = tuple([float(" ".join(line.split()[2:]).split(", ")[0][1:]), float(" ".join(line.split()[2:]).split(", ")[2][0:-1]), float(" ".join(line.split()[2:]).split(", ")[1])])
                        a = list(line.split()[2].replace(',',''))
                        a[1],a[2] = a[2],a[1]
                        self.modSize = tuple(a)

    then the error won't occur.

  4. As title, I've already put a station/ship in LKO, when it flies to the right spot, I launch another ship to it. While I was doing a rendezvous, the ship just suddenly set itself into suborbital flight for no reason, and after a short while it crash into terrain. So I have to use cheat to set it back to orbit to prevent it from crashing, then do the whole thing again. This makes me really frustrated ;.;. Can someone help me?

    Also, I can't use map view often, because that makes the game crash, so I don't really know when does it happens...

  5. After tons of researching, Kerbal scientists finally invented some powerful nuclear bombs, but somehow they came up with an idea that is using them to go to space.

    Basically this challenge is just blasting yourself to the air. I accidentally got 2500m/s while playing with these bombs. So here is the rules:

    Challenge--> Go to space with a nuclear blast


    1. No cheating of course. Please submit at least an pic to imgur with descriptions below, or you can record an video if possible.

    2. BDA is needed to complete the challenge. All the add-ons is allowed. (North Kerbin Weaponries etc.)

    3. You must carry a bomb on your ship. You can do anything else to improve it.

    4. Get to space (above 70000). You can have engines on the ship, but you need to detonate a bomb and ride on the shockwave first.

    5. Carry at least 1 Kerbal. Send them back to home happy and alive.


    10 mach (3400m/s) - (blank)

    Get to orbit - (blank)

    Get to mun - (blank)

    Get to other planets - (blank)


    Highest speed - (blank)

    Highest attitude - (blank)

    Highest G force - (blank)

    Sorry for bad English. Not native.

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