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  1. Hi ZAJC3W , I have tested many differents settings and (in a non modded ksp too) to find a solution of the issues in my precedent post, but it doesn't work. Am I alone to have that problem ? I have also noticed that the mods say me the good decay rate and time when I put a vessel from a <300km to a >300km (just during the burn). But It say me >1000 years and no decay rate when the mod is refreshed after the end of the burn.
  2. Hello, I've just add orbital decay in my ksp 1.3 (without any other mod) but I have some bugs : - The orbital decay time countdown don't write the good time before decay (sometimes it works great, sometimes not) - It doesn't work with a vessel with an higher altitude than 300 km (no decay and >1000 years is said) - I have a mascon issue when I click on toggle decay rate. It can be a problem with the mascon system ? Thank you if you can find a solution, I will try to search in the code and testing with other settings (PS: I have switched off orbital drift compensation) and thank you also for this very great mod !
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