Thanks Shpaget, I have been browsing the other forums since joining up and will persist! Really nice ideas in there, and I will investigate to see what I can manufacture to make the scenario work; or, of course, simply abandon the idea as not practical :-) I like its drama and the technical challenge, but ultimately it just might not work.
Just to pursue a couple of avenues of thought you have opened up:
1. The thermal signature is the killer issue, and probably one I was sub-consciously ignoring!
2. The craft was envisaged as actual asteroidal rock hollowed out, so there would be bits of real rock out there that could be found post-landing. Of course there would be a lot of mass missing, even if it was seen to disintegrate! Having that happen over the ocean would probably mean nobody bothered to go and find the bits.
3. Very nice idea on having it approach from an unusual direction. I have toyed with the idea of the proposed system having a considerably more densely "populated" asteroid belt than the Mars-Jupiter belt we have here, so asteroid activity is greater and so less interesting.