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  1. Glad to see you like the idea! I am planning a black hole-powered reactor, however it would generate electricity instead of thrust. There will be 2 variants, one that generates energy from Hawking Radiation and one that generates energy from the magnetic rotation of a black hole.
  2. I'm glad to announce that I am joining the development team for Kerbal Science Innovation! If you want to see these ideas implemented into a mod, go check that mod out for updates Here is a photo of the textured model of the Microverse Battery:
  3. These aren't science experiments (with the exception of the Neutrino Detector), probably bad wording on my part. Good Idea! I'm sticking to basic modules while I'm learning the basics, but once I get a hang of things I'll implement that into the mod
  4. Hey everyone! So today I was watching Rick and Morty and came up with the idea of a Rick and Morty Science Mod for KSP! This mod will add parts found throughout the Rick and Morty episodes. These parts can be integrated with the Community Tech Tree as end game items. I have added links to additional information where it can be found. If any mod developers are interested in making this mod a thing, feel free to contact me through the forums or discord (PR1ME#6043) and i can help as much as I can (I can do texturing, blender modelling, and a bit of coding). Here are the parts I have came up with so far (I will update this post as I come up with more ideas): Exotic Matter Dark Matter Collector Slowly collects Dark Matter in the vacuum of space. Only effective while in high space above a planet/celestial object. Effectivity increases as you travel away from the object you are orbiting. Dark Matter Storage Module A container to store dark matter. This module uses electricity over time to keep dark matter stored. Concentrated Dark Matter Engine (Rick's UFO's Engine) An engine that produces thrust from concentrated dark matter. Does not work in atmosphere. Wiki Link Exotic Electrics Microverse Battery A battery containing a miniature universe with intelligent life that can produce massive amounts of energy. "It's just slavery with extra steps." Requires concentrated dark matter to keep the microverse stable. Wiki Link Neutrino Propulsion (new branch from Atomic Propulsion) Neutrino Detector A multi-ton Liquid Xenon tank that detects neutrinos over a long amount of time, and rewards with science points. Works in atmospheres, low space, and high space. Neutrino Factory A neutrino source that harnesses the power of negatively charged muons to produce a beam of electron-type anti-neutrinos and muon-type neutrinos. Requires electricity to run. Neutrino Thruster A massively powerful thruster that is propelled by a series of neutrino explosions behind the craft. However, the engine produces a lot of heat, and will likely overheat if you leave it on for too long. Wiki Link Thanks for reading! -PR1ME
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