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Everything posted by SupaNinjaMan

  1. I did duplicate and mirror, then export them separately. But when I leave the initial build, the model added second becomes the model I added first. Everything has completely different names. Also, like I said, if you drop them, you can no longer select them and have to delete the piece under them or leave them floating. I'm going to try to add a completely different model and see if those don't morph into each other. It did and it did morph, but it's unimportant, because I fixed it. Now to get everything on it UV'd, textured and give it proper collisions. Thanks everyone. Hopefully you can look forward to a new addon coming soonish. (For future reference, it's rather important you change the name in the general parameters, also. )
  2. I think it might just be custom wings in general. I can't delete them after I've added them in the editor either, so the wing part of this project on hold until they're properly implemented.
  3. Initial launch did not result in an explosion, so we're off to a good start. It actually performed better than expected. 1st stage separation worked well, far better than the TOLP Mk. I, which was prone to explode by merely existing. Was able to make it to an acceptable altitude to perform the most crucial leg of the mission, the separation of the Shuttles. Commencing in 3... 2... ..1! They sure separated, but what can't be seen in this shot is the BREAK NECK SPEEDS AT WHICH THEY WERE SHOT OUT I lost sight of them in a matter of seconds, I hoped for the best. It's at this point I would also like to note, and later redact from the records, that upon separation I noticed I did not provide the shuttles with rockets. God speed to those poor, brave Kerbals. No time to reflect on such matters, for now is the time to bring Jeb and crew safely back to the surface of their home planet. The final leg of the mission. Time to put those spot welds and duct tape fixings to the test. Now, one would normally attempt such a maneuver via a de-orbit sequence, but I opted for the straight forward FULL THROTTLE AT THE SURFACE approach. Parachutes engaged, aaand... TOUCHDOWN! With the landing vehicle mostly intact from the landing, I'd consider this a success. Truly, a historic moment for science and all of Kerbal-kind. Bob never stopped screaming even after the landing, might have had something to do with the fact they pulled 56 Gees at some point, but what do I know. Leave that to the para-medics. Quote like that then add what you were going to say. Such as 'File please!!'
  4. Yeah, It'll need two models to get the wings exactly right, that's why getting this right is so important. I basically just want Jeb to say. 'Red Kerbal, Standing By.'
  5. All vanilla parts except the wings. I've nearly obtained decent horizontal flight.
  6. When I added custom wings, I made them non-symmetrical. In game it was obvious one wing was upside-down so I made two wings, one and inverted (upside-down) version of the other so that I could make a symmetrical looking when they were placed opposite of each other. In build mode this held up fine. One extra step, no big deal. When I would go to the spaceport, however, the inverted wing would switch to the original version, giving me one upside-down wing. I assumed it was because they shared the same .OBJ name, so I switched that up. Same thing. Renamed them within the .OBJ. Got to spaceport, same thing. Change the texture name so they're different, same end result. It always look right in build mode, the first time. Then whenever I leave build mode (main menu and returning to build mode, spaceport) the new version would use the same model as the old one. Does anyone have any ideas? See how one wing's upside down? EDIT: Flying video (unrelated to complaint, related to the work)
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