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  1. Anyone know why sometime when you return to the space centre the sky is all black with white clouds (or is it white sky with black clouds) ? The only way to fix is to exit game and go back in. Happens generally every time I play. I'm using SVE, SVT, Planetshine and Distant objects amongst other non-graphic mods.
  2. It seems to be working now, not sure what happened. Anyway thanks for your help and for a great mod.
  3. I'm using the latest version of Kopernicus. I reverted back to previous version 2.0.5 and it works fine. Version 2.0.6 - no scatter objects (although strangely there are a handful of trees just near the space centre but that's it). I had noticed that you'd changed the directory structure slightly in SVT 2.0.6 (configs). I also tried deleting the Module manager cache to reset it and also reloading it but no luck. I could upload log but ill need to create dropbox account.
  4. Just installed latest version and all scatter objects are gone. Will try previous version later to see if prob persists.
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