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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for the controls guidelines there, Absolution, that really helped out and actually managed to LAND my spaceplane as well as manage a wobbly take-off I can\'t seem to get KSP to register my D-Pad and trigger buttons on my 360 controller but everything else works alright, which is a shame - I wanted to assign camera control to right stick and assign yaw control to the left and right bumpers. Any ideas on why those buttons won\'t pick up for me?
  2. Thanks for adding my rocket to the repository Cool to see it among all these other nifty designs
  3. That\'s a really interesting design, makes my gigantic wasteful munar rocket a bit embarassing : I\'ll give this a try when I buy KSP next month!
  4. Hello everyone! New bottle rocketeer here and just wanted to share the rocket I\'ve managed to get to the Mun. Theoretically it\'ll get your Kerbanauts to the Mun and back... but I had a mishap with a little too much lateral velocity I placed parachutes onto the solid fuel boosters here for giggles mainly - didn\'t want explosive debris crashing down onto spectators at the launch pad! The winglets are a little wonky in this screen but I\'ve balanced them better since. This next stage should supply you with enough fuel to burn to the Mun. And here we have the main munar module that will theoretically land and take-off from the Mun. Or if things become too hairy, the last stage is merely one liquid fuel stack and engine strapped to the capsule to get it home. I don\'t dare try to adjust this thing until at least 30,000m but then again I\'m not the best of pilots - I would imagine most of you will have better luck handling this craft Special thanks goes out to Ivan Ivanovich who took the time to write up a newbie\'s how-to for KSP; your guidance saved many potential Kerbanaut lives =P Anyway, enjoy and hope to see what you guys think of my first munar craft!
  5. Ivan, this guide is really fantastic Thanks for taking the time to write it for us newbie Kerbanauts! One thing I\'d like to ask though: could you explain the use of fuel lines? I\'ve not tried them yet mainly due to worry over screwing up an otherwise efficient spacecraft that doesn\'t utilise the extra fuel tanks properly.
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