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  1. Okay, I've found it. Specific parts are causing this issue! I've tried a lot of part combinations and marked it down to all parts that have a reflecting surface for example the Atlas and Agena tanks from FASA or Explorer 6(US Probes) - other parts from these mods don't make problems (like the Transit-2A Probe which is not reflecting). The only other parts I've discovered so far are alternative models for the AJ10 called "AJ10 Upper Stage Engine" and "AJ10 Upper Stage Engine Extended" ( idk which mod they're coming from). I've only tested RP0 compatible parts. As soon as these parts leave "rendering range" (>15km distance) it stops. I can easily live with this, too! I'm just wondering, it seems like its only affecting a few players and is maybe easy to fix In addition to the tracking station switching, i simply don't look at earth while approaching 140km so you have no flickering at all. When you don't forget it half of the time, like me ^^
  2. Yes! It went away after 3rd reinstall. Thanks for teaching me to reinstall everything at least 5 times when it doesnt work ^^ Edit: Damn it started again I think it has something to do with engines firing when u pass 140km. I tested it only with a sounding rocket before... Now with longer firing rockets it came back. Do you have the same problem? I will try around the next days maybe i do find the cause.
  3. Got me a new pc and am finally able to install this wonderful visual mods. It looks stunning! But i got the same flickering earth problem, which was mentioned here before, i think. I have installed: RSSVE RC4 ; EVE ; scatterer 0.0320 - all settings left by default It's not actually not the earth which is flickering, but the area of my screen, which is covered by earth the moment i pass 140km. So when i move my view around this exact area in flickering blueish or black, depending on when i passed 140km like in the pictures below. Here I rotated the view down. When i passed 140km the horizon was in the middle of the screen. (There where the blueish area is on the picture) When i dip below 140 km it will stop and start again when i go above. The flickering area changes accordingly. Here i just left the athmosphere and rotated the view to the left. When i destroy the craft via range safety it instantly stops. And it once stopped after zooming far out and back in. It doesnt occur when i switch to a already orbiting vessel. It's flickering really fast i have to take mutiple screenshots to catch it. Apparently only a few people have this issue, what could cause this? Have u any ideas how i could fix this? Another problem which might be linked to this, is visible in the picture above. When above 140 km, i always have a relatively more darker area above the horizon. Here's a picture only with this efffect visible:
  4. Hey guys, i have a question regarding the TAC LS converters: Why do they consume/produce less resources than what they are rated for? For example all CO2 Scrubbers and the Carbon Bosch Reaktor: CO2consumption of converter / CO2production of Kerbal ---> 0.0058912100 / 0.00592 = 0.9951368243 Would it be unrealistic if I use this for a interplanetary mission?: 2x Carbon Bosch Reaktor -> 2x Water Purifier Large -> 2x Water Splitter Large (for 3 Kerbals - all parts 2x to get 1:1 consumption/production ratio) So that I only have to pack Food for the whole trip, while the rest is self-sustaining. To my knowledge, this chain is realistic, but is the 1:1 ratio too? There's also something in my calculations, what I don't understand. At the end of the chain I have more O2 & H2 than what was there in the beginning. Is this because of cell respiration producing more WasteWater than Water that was consumed? Later today I will check, if the mass of the craft is rising or (hopefully) not. I can also create a spreadsheet of my calculations but i simply used the ratio-formula at the top of this post and rule of proportion. I hope i wrote this in a comprehensible way ^^ -edit Okay, I tested it and the vehicle mass was rising. Until it started dumping CO2, because the tank was full. What should never happen with 2 Carbon Bosch Reactors for 3 Kerbals while H2 and electricity is there. All of my calculations were somehow off.. Is this a timewarp problem?
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