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Everything posted by Boorang

  1. is siphonophore ok? we also have cnidarians. waiter, theres a cnidarian in my soup!
  2. this is where you put forum games that you have not made for feedback on them. here you can also put games that you decided not to post. mad libs would'nt work on the forum the way i had intended it. please put the name and concept of the game, not the URL.
  3. banned for thinking I use HyperEdit, and for using bad grammer.
  4. Группа квинтэссенций မှ Гном-Сней. something I google translated for Garble the post above you! the translation
  5. A group of quintessentials မှ Gnome-Snei.
  6. banned for banning someone who banned fornegativaty
  7. not not not not banned for banning for not not banning.
  8. None of the adolescent brain is today
  9. when you make maze games based around hexaflexagons.
  10. အဘယ်သူမျှမဆယ်ကျော်သက်ကလေးကိုဦးနှောက်ကဒီနေ့က google translate.
  11. Plainfin Midshipmen are fish.
  12. floor 1967: a hanger, with the door open. a glider is on a ramp in the middle. you jump on, escaping the building.
  13. Publikova does this Knots made of bricks in form of PIR
  14. ...that has himmel man-cheese stuck in it.
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