That was my guess too. But I tried it all the ways around without success.
sunLensFlareColor = 0, 0, 0, 0
sunAU = 2500000000
emitColor0 = 1,1,1,1
emitColor1 = 1,1,1,1
sunspotColor = 0.2977528,0.08988765,0,1
sunspotPower = 2.6
sunspotTex = Spectra/Spectra_textures/Planets/sun
rimColor = 1,1,0.8531461,1
rimPower = 0.15
rimBlend = 1
texture = Spectra/Spectra_textures/Planets/Sun_corona
speed = -50
rotation = -10
texture = Spectra/Spectra_textures/Planets/Sun_corona2
speed = 100
rotation = 5
The path is alright, and the textures exist. I also tried to move them in KSRPC's folder, deleted that bit of code in your file and replaced the equivalent bit in KSRPC's one, no success neither. The only thing that worked was to move Kopernicus. I tried with Kopernicus 1.3.0-6 but that seemed to be a bad call, no more enhanced textures, back to stock and no ring neither. So now I'm back to 1.3.1-2 and I have a hole in the sun when it's poping behind something. I can live with that. I'm pretty pleased that all the rest is working without killing my fps (average around 50 at ksc). My first attempt of mixing mods worked, I had the ring, the textures and your configs but no more than 10 fps. I guess some configs where overlapping or some textures maybe...