I can't wait till mankind finds out how a black hole truly works, because if mass has gravity, and nothing escapes the gravitational pull of a black hole... that's some serious mass!
I was fairly new to the game and upon departure from the mun I somehow tapped a single key too many times and the key lock window popped up while at the same time locking my vessels direction. So as I frantically cancelled out of the window to get back into the game my vessel proceeded to loop continuously while gaining too much speed. In a last ditch effort to save poor Jeb I angled the vessel back to the mun with what little fuel I had left. Once I ran out I had a flight path that intercepted the ground but at well over escape velocity speeds.
needless to say I pointed Jeb's head to the ground and hoped for the best. Jeb bounced... and never saw another celestial body again.