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Posts posted by battlemaster1994

  1. Hello Guys.

    I just love the refuel abillity in KSP. It realy makes Flying purposefull and verry fun to do.

    But the succes I have had in 1.2.2 with refueling seem to just not work at all in 1.3.

    When i have a plane set up to fly close to the tanker and the boom or droge is deployed, aswell as my other plane its fuel port and the tanker is set up as a target i switch my probe to active,

    and the plane starts to go towards the droge or boom, but it seems to not be able to connect to it. 

    also with the boom the plane stays under the boom aporx 3/5 meters.

    when i use the probe it will connect after a long and painfull struggle to get to the probe ( verry slow speed differance) it will touch it and deactivate again.

    I can't figure out what is wrong.

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