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  • About me
    Director of the Yutah Space Agency
  • Location
    In front of Computer or Phone
  • Interests
    Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, fan fiction, Kerbal Space Program, World of Warships, and World of Tanks Blitz.

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  1. Rejoice! For I have finally completed all the contracts you can get in the KSP demo. :D

    After lots and lots of frustrating failures and periods where I temporarily gave up, I have finally done it! With contracts ranging from speed records, visual surveys, parts testing, and quite a few others. 

    There was a frustrating one where I had to go to two specific sites on Kerbin called Erii's Pocket Alpha and Erii's Pocket Beta. Being in demo, I couldn't use planes, and after many frustrating tries, I gave up on my career mode. However, I returned, back with newfound determination, and finally had the idea to use a parachute to slow down with an engine to steer back to compensate for overshooting. After many tries making sure I got the rocket's trajectory right, and that Valentina didn't suddenly die while exiting the command pod in order to get the EVA report, I finally succeeded, yay!

    The last two completed was a contract to test a RT-10 "Hammer" Solid Fuel Booster and the TR-18A Stack Decoupler on a Kerbin escape trajectory. I completed this after spending a few hours in redesigning rockets and relaunching them. I finished the contracts together, and got some extra science from experiments mounted on the parts to boot.


    P.S. I wrote this to celebrate, so it might come off a little... dramatic, if you know what I mean.

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