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Everything posted by Firral

  1. I checked the Spanish and Chinese localization, and there were same problems as in the Russian. Localization- RU (perhaps I will still edit it.): https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2c77/ao49kha6W
  2. Yes, I checked it. In English localization, everything works as it should.
  3. Yes, I weakly speak and write in English, so I use online translation. I found two "previous person" one with such a problem. The latter did not write anything, and the previous found the reason. I understand that the problem in russian localization of the game version 1.3? It's strange, that this happens In the near future (possibly this weekend) I will finish these translations and write to you here. I'm bad in humanities, but Russian language is given to me better than English.
  4. Hey. I spent a couple of hours, once again refilled the game, took a "clean build" and tried it with different options (32 and 64) and different settings. I do not understand why this does not work for me! Apparently this is my own personal "bug". I have a question for you. Is it possible to change the file "NearFutureElectrical.dll", so that when transfer fuel and wastes there is no request for an engineer? I have no experience with working with files .dll, so that I cant do it myself. In any case, thanks for answer, and for this wonderful mod!
  5. Well, I already did it, but I repeated it again. In the assembly of mods like you said, only the necessary mods. The result is the same Maybe I'm doing something wrong? - Right button on tank with fuel> in menu "Transfer Fuel". - Next, I have a requirement for an "This transfer requires a Level 1 Engineer on board" (although I have him the 5th) - Further on another tank or reactor. All right? What am I doing wrong? Maybe the reason is in some game settings?
  6. No, I did not find solution to this problem. I took the "clean" assembly (added only your mods, nothing more). Kerbal Space Program - 1.3.0 (version 32 or 64, no matter difference). Your mods - the latest versions. Game - new. I have an vessel (cockpit with a pilot and an engineer of level 5, tank with uranium, reactor without fuel). The reactor is cold. I can not transfer uranium in the reactor. The same thing happens if the reactor completes its life (for example, about 2 years), and self-extracts its fuel. I can not transfer uranium or waste. Below is a link to the cloud, there saving and video. Plus a little translation into Russian, which you did not have (is not completed, literary adjustment is required. I can do this a little later). https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8rvQ/K4aSsRVuu
  7. Hello, I have the same problem. The reactor is quite cold, an Engineer of the 5th level, and I still get a message saying that "This transfer requires a Level 1 Engineer on board!", аnd the transfer does not occur.
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