Problem: I can take items/parts from my inventory and attach or drop them, but I can't pick them up off the ground or detach anything. Holding G (or H or X), the cursor highlights like it should, and changes based on weight, distance, etc., but left-clicking or dragging then does nothing. I have read the manual and this forum, each many times.
I had this problem using KSP 1.1.2 and the appropriate version of KIS and thought it was a compatibility issue with the dependencies (possibly related to this but I'm not real literate with these things), but I just reinstalled with 1.3 and installed CKAN to reinstall KIS, MM, and CCK (and KAS and EasyVessleSwitch) and have the same problem. I also used CKAN to install the following mods (after removing all the previous versions when I reinstalled):
BD Armory
BD Armory Extension
In Debug I'm getting the message:
"Warning: [Part]: kerbalEVA (Gilwell Kerman) holds crew but has no interior model defined!"
I've been really looking for to using the mod, so I hope we can figure this out. Thanks!