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  1. Yeah, i had thought about the \'single point of failure\' problem, but more from the angle of \'I don\'t want to be responsible for maintaining this\'. My current thinking is that it would be along the lines of a repository model, with some \'default\' repository preconfigured. Just a matter of deciding who hosts the default repository, and getting enough of the mod devs on board to get some traction . That would get around the problem of distributing the mod files themselves, but still leaves distributing a list of available mods. Also, torrenting files isn\'t practical for everyone (ex: some ISPs actively filter torrent traffic to the point of it being unusable), so plain old HTTP would still have to be an option
  2. I\'m thinking of writing some sort of automatic update system for plugins and parts (think APT for KSP) This would work something like this: When you want to install an addon, the addon author gives you a link to an XML file that describes the different addons the author has published (think APT repository). You then select the addons you want to install (hopefully some sort of automatic dependency resolution could be implemented), and the program automatically downloads and installs the addon. The next time you launch the tool, it will automatically check to see if there are any updates for addons you have installed Anyone think this is a good idea? Is someone (HarvestR?) already working on this? should I work on it? Any addon authors want to suggest features they would need/want? Anyone at all want to suggest features/comments/criticisms?
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