So just so I can estimate the work required, would this be a fair assessment of what needed to be done -- or am I missing other work?
// NOTES: for Define science unit of work...
// square brackets [] indicate the name of a physical file
// curly brackets {} indicate the name of a configuration section within a file
For each Planet in GPP\GPP_Planets\{*}
Define $PlanetName as {*}
For each Biome in GPP\GPP_Planets\[$PlanetName.cfg]\{Body}\{Properties}\{Biomes}\[Biome}\{name}
Define $BiomeName as {name}
For Each $ExpType In ExperimentType = (SurfaceSample, CrewReport, EVAReport, MysteryGoo, MaterialsLab, temperatureScan,
BarometerScan, GravityScan, SeismicScan, AtmosphereAnalysis)
For Each $Situation In Situation = (Landed, SplashedDown, SrfLanded, SrfSplashed, FlyingLow, FlyingHigh, InSpaceLow, InSpaceHigh)
// Filter out impossible $Situation depending on {Body}\{Properties}\{Ocean} existing
// Filter out impossible $ExpType depending on {Body}\{Properties}\{Atmosphere} existing
In GPP\GPP_Localization\[en-us]\[{#LOC_GPP_ScienceDefs section}]
Add entry to GPP\GPP_Configs\GPP_Science_Defs.cfg
In {@RESULTS} Section
For Each section [$ExpType]
Science Situation: {$PlanetName}\{$Situation} = #LOC_GPP_ScienceDefs_{$ExpType}_{$PlanetName}{$Situation}{$BiomeName}
End For
Add entry to GPP\GPP_Localization\en_us.cfg
Under {Localization}\{en-us}\{//GPP/GPP_Configs/GPP_Science_Defs.cfg}
Science Event Description: #LOC_GPP_ScienceDefs_{$ExpType}_{$PlanetName}{$Situation}{$BiomeName} = "US English text science experiment event description"
End For
End For
End For
End For