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Everything posted by hellbender

  1. This is a serious issue with Unity and it makes using certain joysticks a pain. Along with proper dual screen support, I feel these are the last two things really holding back KSP. Anyhow, I personally switched from PPJoy and GlovePIE to using vJoy and FreePIE for my Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 and Saitek X-52 (throttle only). I also use a small program called simFFB to keep my stick centered as there is no centering force present otherwise. Uninstall PPJoy, get vJoy instead (no need to disable driver signing in Windows for vJoy), then create a virtual joystick. You can set up your virtual stick with whatever physical input you want in FreePIE (in my case: X-Y-Z axes on the MSFFB2, throttle and small slider on the X-52 throttle) and bind axes directly in the KSP Input screen. Sometimes KSP will pick up the physical axis instead of the virtual axis when you're binding it (e.g. "Microsoft Sidewinder JoystickAxis 1" instead of "vJoy Virtual JoystickAxis 1"). Just keep rebinding till it shows you the virtual axis (shouldn't take you more than one or two tries, otherwise something is wrong). As for joystick buttons and POV hats, try to bind as few of them as possible within KSP. Instead, bind keyboard keys for default functions to buttons directly in FreePIE or some other programming software. For example, the big button on my X-52 throttle "joystick[2].getDown(29)" is bound to "Key.M" and brings up map view. Much easier than getting KSP to recognise the joystick button in the Input screen. The POV hat on my MSFFB2 directly triggers the up, down, left and right keyboard keys (for changing the camera angle in external views -- I use TrackIR for internal views). vjoy http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/ FreePIE http://andersmalmgren.github.io/FreePIE/ simFFB (for those using a stick with Force Feedback) http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1394206&postcount=18 And here's the FreePIE code which I use (joystick[1] is the MSFFB2, joystick[2] is the Saitek X-52): # KERBAL virtual joystick from System import Int16 if starting: system.setThreadTiming(TimingTypes.HighresSystemTimer) system.threadExecutionInterval = 5 joystick[1].setRange(Int16.MinValue / 2.001, Int16.MaxValue / 2.001) joystick[2].setRange(Int16.MinValue / 2.001, Int16.MaxValue / 2.001) # map analogue vJoy[0].x = joystick[1].x vJoy[0].y = joystick[1].y vJoy[0].z = -1 * joystick[2].z vJoy[0].rz = joystick[1].zRotation vJoy[0].slider = -1 * joystick[1].sliders[0] vJoy[0].dial = joystick[2].sliders[0] # map keys to buttons keyboard.setKey(Key.NumberPadMinus, joystick[2].getDown(19)) keyboard.setKey(Key.NumberPadPlus, joystick[2].getDown(21)) keyboard.setKey(Key.M, joystick[2].getDown(29)) # map pov hats keyboard.setKey(Key.UpArrow, joystick[1].pov[0] == 0) keyboard.setKey(Key.RightArrow, joystick[1].pov[0] == 9000) keyboard.setKey(Key.DownArrow, joystick[1].pov[0] == 18000) keyboard.setKey(Key.LeftArrow, joystick[1].pov[0] == 27000) # end of script
  2. I've been looking forward to 1.0 for quite a while, since I read that the input system was overhauled. I can bind the axes of my joystick (Sidewinder Force Feedback 2) to the different controls like I could before, but there's no way to calibrate the input. In other words: I'm getting the old bug where my axes are not behaving like they do in the Windows Game Controllers properties (joy.cpl). No yaw centering etc. Help, please.
  3. Thanks for clarifying, e-dog. For what it's worth, even if the stock fairings come to supersede yours, you have my eternal gratitude for Procedural Fairings. I'm a long-time lurker, and I've always felt the need to have fairings of some kind on my rockets. Your mod has made that process exceptionally simple.
  4. So we're getting stock procedural fairings in 1.0. http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/ I may be late to the party here, but what does this mean for this mod? Are the stock procedural fairings related to it?
  5. Actually a pretty good question. First, I don't use many mods and none of them seemed to require Module Manager, so I didn't have it installed before. Actually I never even heard about it. Second, On the front page of this thread, Starwaster indeed states: However, in my own defense, Module Manager is not included with the beta release 6.3.2, only with the latest official release 6.3.1 (I just checked). So there you have it. In part due to my lack of reading comprehension, and in part due to the fact that I just so happened to download DRE for the very first time when it was in beta, which doesn't include the file. At least from now on you can troubleshoot other lost souls like me who may face the same issue. This poster, for example: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96993-Deadly-Reentry-not-so-deadly
  6. Thanks for taking the time to answer! EDIT: It was all my fault, I didn't install Module Manager. Everything is working now. I will go sit in a corner and think about what I've done. Thanks again and keep up the great work!
  7. Hi there! Long-time lurker with a weird problem using Deadly Reentry v6.3.2 beta on 0.25 (Steam version). For some reason, I'm getting nowhere near the amount of reentry heat damage other people are reporting on Normal. At first I thought I was just being too careful or that returning from LKO was not generating enough heat to destroy anything, but then I tried a direct reentry from munar orbit and this was the result. (please note that the menu says v6.3.1 even though I have v6.3.2 beta installed -- is this intentional?) There's no damage at all, I can drop all the way through the atmosphere without the heat destroying any part of my craft. I then read something about people changing their shockwave multiplier to 1.12 to make it more difficult. For some reason I'm not able to write decimal numbers in the debug menu (it won't let me write a dot), so I changed the multiplier to 10 instead. Results were a little better. Unshielded parts of the craft are overheating and exploding. Once we get to the shield, ablative strength is decreasing slowly over time. Until the shield finally gives in and the command module is alsmost immediately destroyed. All in all, with a multiplier set to 10 things went pretty much as expected. So am I the greatest Reentry Hero in history (unlikely) or is something wrong with my install (more likely)? Here's a pastebin of output_log.txt of my first flight with default settings (multiplier set to 1): http://pastebin.com/Xr7ibpUN I think the part you're looking for starts at around line 8760. This is the first time I've tried Deadly Reentry, I'm also using the following other mods: - Chatterer - MechJeb2 - HullCameraVDS - ProceduralFairings Apologies about the long post and thanks for having a look!
  8. Hahaha, excellent! And works exactly as it says on the box. Thank you once again!
  9. Thank you so much, trbinsc! I\'ll have a look as soon as I get home.
  10. Hello all! I\'m new to KSP and enjoying it immensely so far. I have a quick question: I read here that the AV-R8 Winglet used to be stationary before v0.10. Is it in some way possible to get a stationery version of it? I don\'t like the AV-T1 Winglet and haven\'t really checked out any non-stock parts (recommendations welcome!). Thanks!
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