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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. never mind. I found it as soon as I got off. TextEdit.
  2. I made a shuttle using the Tiberdyne shuttle, and making my own external tank using 2 meter tanks and 3 meter fairings, to get some more fuel without the added weight. Then I attached a Nova Punch 1.75 meter booster to either side. The booster works well for half the flight, then due to lost mass from fuel, it overpowers the shuttle engines, and spins out before I can perform SRB jet. I am not a computer programmer, but when I open up the parts with Console (Mac), I can see the values for dry weight and thrust. How would I go about either increasing the thrust of the Shuttle SSME\'s, or increase the dry weight of the SRB\'s or decrease SRB thrust? I just want to change a couple values, but with Console it\'s view only, as far as I can see.
  3. Ydoow, that helps a lot. Didn\'t think I\'d get any feedback. 2 questions 1. What is the rate of rotation of Kerbin? 2. When I hit esc to get back to the tracking station, it freezes time. does it resume when I get back to the tracking station exactly where it left off? So if I know where it is at one point, will I be able to calculate where it is 2 minutes later while switching ships? Is there a way to switch directly without the tracking station? Can anybody give me, in 140 characters or less, a complete education and set of practical skills in aerospace engineering and computer programing? #thanks
  4. I swear I saw something like that, but that is exactly what I\'m looking for. A sort of mission control for all crafts while flying your own. It would be a great asset when docking becomes available, and Gemini 6/7 and the space shuttle have mission control backup anyway. And the Apollo 11 lunar landing reference is hilarious.
  5. Just algebra and trig. Time the MET of the second spaceship from launch to MECO, and the longitude at MECO. Then using the period of the orbiting spaceship, find the angle traveled by spaceship 1 and subtract that angle from Spaceship 2 MECO Longitude. Using the MechJeb plugin I can usually maintain a relatively consistent launch, so if I know when the orbiting spaceship 1 is at that point, I can launch spaceship 2, so that after a circularizing burn of spaceship 2, then first is arriving to that point. I am a very mediocre mathematician, so if anyone can help me explain this as well, I would appreciate that as well. HA.
  6. I\'m trying to rendezvous with a ship I already have in orbit, and I\'ve worked the math to know when I have to launch the second rocket to meet the first. All I need is to know the longitude of the orbiting craft to know when to hit space. I saw a plugin which sends data to another IP address, as a mission control almost. Any ideas on how to have that info in front of me so I can launch at the right time?
  7. I\'ve been getting to the moon lately on a 2 meter liquid core first stage, with big pad lit solid booster, and four in flight boosters. I like it, but I want to use only controllable liquid motors. I built a new rocket using a 2 meter TLI booster, a 3 meter second stage booster to earth orbit, and a first stage with the 4X-800 engine cluster. Basically the Saturn V. The only problem i have with 3 meter is that every time I use it it shakes and shimmies a couple meters in each direction, which doesn\'t help much with guidance. Any advice on making the structure more rigid? The decoupler between stage one and two is held on only at the center engine, which I know is most of the problem, but I can\'t find a solution.
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