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Dr Manyange

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  1. I think at this point with all this ideas and assumptions on how the iron man suit might or might not work,it will be prudent to add that the guy has a freakin AI system in his basement and a couple private servers that run on the said system.........plus it seems he is willing to spend a couple billion dollars on his toy project and an infinite amount of time working on the suit.Additionally the guy has superhuman intelligence.Now in the real world the only guy who seems to fit that comparison has just about 10 billion dollars to his name and probably uses windows 10 or apple .Am talking about Elon musk who i doubt graduated from mit at 15 and built his first circuit board at 4.The iron man suit may exist on earth when we have discovered AI.And when the titans of industry who will exist at the time wont be so materialistic and after wealth accumulation.
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