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Everything posted by Commando115

  1. In the past i have managed to install mods correctly without using CKAN I recently came back to the game and wanted to make some space planes, upon failing to get the mods to work i install CKAN which took alot of liquiding around to get working. Now i have it installed and when i install my mods, they appear in the "GameData" folder but no sign of them in game. I am running a steam version of the game. The mods im trying to install our: Community Resource pack - RoverDude Firespitter Core - RoverDude OPT Space Plane Parts - Kyeon RasterPropMonitor - MOARdV.Mihara RasterPropMonitor Core - MOARdV.Mihara Ive been struggling with this for 2 days, any help would be useful. Long : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B42ui2zsCSqgTndvbHpPMjN2UkU/view?usp=sharing
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