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Everything posted by Houndreon

  1. So, I have been trying to install a mod, I went through youtube videos and read the info in the Read me document of the mod and fallowed it and yet I haven't had any luck. The mod is Kerbal Plantary Base, I found it via clicking on the mod tab and looking up base. I have went through trying to install it and started a new sandbox to play and experement with it, more or less to see what I can do with it and it didn't show up in the new game. Did I mess up or is it somethign silly like I need to unlock these parts. If it is the first thing I am not that surprised, if it is the other, not only would I feel silly, but kind of stupid as well for not trying that... but then again in a sandbox game all parts should be auto unlocked corect? Anyways, that is my problem, if anyone can help it would be great.
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