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Posts posted by Kennosuke.ken

  1. On 20/03/2014 at 10:05 AM, EatVacuum said:

    Okay I already understood what flaps and spoilers are. Airbrakes and wheel brakes both activate when you use to the brake keys. But what key activates the flaps?

    Well.  You can use control surface as a flaps, you know that right? Do u know action groups? Assign the control surface use as the flaps to one of the custom action group and press the action group key in-flight

  2. On 11/07/2015 at 10:27 PM, cjones said:

    My jet engines always overheat, no matter what speed or altitude I fly at. I tested by flying at 200m/s at about 1/3 throttle at 7000m, overheating still occurred just slower. Also, the heat never dissipates, even when the engines are off.

    If on a space plane, I can get into orbit, do my mission and come back and the engines are always at the same heat level.

    Someone was kind enough to find the solution in my particular case: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126930-1-0-3-4-Radiators-don-t-pull-heat-from-engines?p=2074097&viewfull=1#post2074097

    The heat from the engine does dissipate but it's dissipate REALLY slow. You just have to observe it VERY closely

  3. 6 hours ago, qromodynmc said:

    any engine? are you sure? I've planes who can go up to 200ms (around 700kph) with ap+ props, though i use FAR. Still it shouldnt be that slow even on stock aero.

    Can you post pic or something.


    8 hours ago, Lan_Morehell said:

    Hello folks! I have a strange problem with prop engines. Please help me to sort out the root of the problem. Any prop attached to the plane gives me an increasing thrust up to somewhat 20m/s speed. Then thrust starts to decrease dramatically to almost Zero by about 57mps. It is absolutely impossible to accelerate aircraft above these speeds as thrust zeroes. I have tried to add some intakes and open/close intakes in egine options with absolutely no effect at all.  What could this be? where to look to find the root of this phenomena? Thank you!


    Of course I've read the FAQ, but 57 mps for Hurricane engine? 

    8 hours ago, Lan_Morehell said:

    Hello folks! I have a strange problem with prop engines. Please help me to sort out the root of the problem. Any prop attached to the plane gives me an increasing thrust up to somewhat 20m/s speed. Then thrust starts to decrease dramatically to almost Zero by about 57mps. It is absolutely impossible to accelerate aircraft above these speeds as thrust zeroes. I have tried to add some intakes and open/close intakes in egine options with absolutely no effect at all.  What could this be? where to look to find the root of this phenomena? Thank you!


    Of course I've read the FAQ, but 57 mps for Hurricane engine?

    I have this happening too. But I don't think this is a problem. The Kontraprop engine has the top speed at about 200m/s and the engine will stop giving thrust and make the plane maintaining the same speed

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