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Philae & Rosetta

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Everything posted by Philae & Rosetta

  1. Hi all, I try to fly my first plane. I tried many stuffs, read tutorials, but I still can't. Can someone help me understand why this plane won't take off? Thanks
  2. Hi all, In order to learn how to land a plane, and in order to discover Kerbin surface, I need to be able to manually target a point on the planet. We can easily do it when the point is defined by a contract, but I don't know how to define manually a point myself where I think I can land without dangers. Do you know how I should do it? Thanks
  3. Hi all, I landed on the Mun, I created my space Station and I already docked several time on it to transfer crew. So I am more or less at the same point than humanity But, I feel like my R&D doesn't progress fast enough. I am still stuck on the 90points research level, which is quite low for what I accomplished. To go further, and improve my ships, I need to unlock some science. I would like to do it without cheating. But all contracts I get have few or no science points. Do you know how I can do it? I always wonder what the interest to have some scientist and engineer in the crew. Can it helps me? How should I use them? Thanks for answers
  4. woah so many answers. Thanks for the help I just discover this ^^ Happy birthday!!!. Well I am a little bit younger (28). With your experience it seems like you began to play KSP at the same age more or less than mine. I hope to be as good as you when I turn 32!! Yes it is targetted Yes the same size. The same docking ports: The Clamp O tron Docking port Junior on both parts. No control on my SS. It is just a PPD 10 Hitchhiker Storage Container with one Kerman inside and a HG5 High Gain Antenna outside. And the docking port of course Thanks, I will try what you suggest, and let you know.
  5. Hi, I managed to reunite the two ships of the docking tutorial. But they were aligned. I then put a "space station" in orbit with a docking tool and a kerman in it. Only! No propellant, no engines. I try now to unit a ship with my space station to pick up my kerman and bring him back to Kerbin. The main issue here is the space station orientation...I don't know why but it is' not aligned with the prograde vector...Then I don't manage to dock it ....Because I don't know in advance the orientation of my space station like on the following picture: Do you know if there is a way to know the orientation in advance to align also with it. Or how I could manage to dock in these conditions? Thanks, P&R
  6. Thanks for answer. You are probably right, but there is a risk of collision so close. but next time I will try this way I was trying 60m and the tutorial tells 100m...It should be updated ^^
  7. Hi, I am practising the docking training of KSP training. One of the most difficult things I have ever done. But I have a problem, when below 100m of target, the tutorial tells us to right click the target docking port. But it's not working... It's not easy to find the other ship docking point because of relative movement. But even, I tried to right click everywhere on the ship, the only thing I managed to do is to detarget and retarget the ship... How should I do? Thanks This is a screenshot of the situation:
  8. Aleluia, it was this problem. Thank you so much, you saved my day. I owe you so much
  9. Not working From the Tracking station I have only my ship in the list...
  10. Hi, I've got a big problem. I'm landed on the Mun, and my pilot is doing an EVA, currently 2 km from the ship. My computer switched off because of battery problem, so I needed to restart KSP. When I go to the Tracking Station I can't access my pilot, but only my ship. From my ship I can see my pilot 2km far, but still can't access him. Do you know what can I do? Thanks
  11. Thanks, I understand better now. First I didn't have an accurate straight down line (that's why I was moving sideways a bit -but enough to move too much). And then I used too much fuel in one shot, and it's better by small amount to allow the retrograde point to still be close to the center of the navball. So I managed to land at 1.8 m/s...My 21st July 1969 is done Only 50 years late compare to real world... Well, after I killed my Kerman on the Mun by going too high with EVA propellant but that's another story to tell our grandchildrens...^^ Thanks both of you for the help! I appreciate!
  12. What do you want me to see? I have 9 LV-909 Terrier Liquid Fuel Engine Hold retrograde? I'm not sure it would be a good idea as the retrograde is moving and the ship will come back parralel to the surface...
  13. Thanks for all these answers. But that doesn't very help me as i already do what you say. I think the most appropriate is to show you screenshots Maybe you'll have a better understanding: The first picture is: Two seconds later (you can see in the upper left corner), I took this: . The ship is still going down (18 meters between first and second pictures) but for less than a second more. Three second later, another screenshot: and you can see that the ship is going up (6 meters between second and third picture). And between second (15.2m/s down) and third picture (17.1m/s up), the velocity didn't go to 0 before the ship went up....The minimum was something like 14m/s, and after the ship went up... Do you have any idea? Thanks, P&R
  14. Ahahah you had the same idea both of you, at the same time. Well yes I am on surface mode, completely perpendicular to the surface (the navball position is in the center of the blue part). Usually when it happens I am between 5 and 10km high. Well I could use the tutorial, that's true. But it's too easy after. I want to learn by myself. We are not in real life we can try, fail and retry (fortunately, otherwise I couldn't go very far )
  15. Hi all, I tried for the first time (well, the second time, honestly the first time I completely crashed myself) to land on the Mun. And there is something in the game I can't understand. When I approach Mun surface, I slow my ship by retrograding, but when my speed is under 25m/s (approximatively),, the direction change and the ship goes up, instead of still going down...Then I need to stop retrograding (which is prograde because of the direction changed) and try again. How can you go from 25m/s to -25m/s without transition? Has anyone experienced it already? Is it a game bug? Thanks, P&R
  16. Oh ok that makes sense. I tried to find a ladder before but I didn't find one. I understand why now. I still didn't unlock the "Space Exploration" Research in the R&D department...
  17. Hi, I tried to do a simple EVA with my plane on the runway. I am using the MK1 Cockpit (which is 69m high compare to the surface), but I can't manage to go back in the cockpit after EVA. I tried to use my EVA jetpack with RCS, holding "shift". A white smoke go out the jetpack propellant but nothing else happens. I try to tap "space" and I jump but not enough to touch the door of the cockpit. I tried to do "shift" and space at the same time, but don't jump higher. Do you know how to manage this? Thanks
  18. I'm so stupid. I just oticed that reaction wheels needed electricity... The fact it worked or not was surely linked with batteries remaining or not... Thanks to Spricigo for talking about reaction wheels, which give me the idea to look at it again...
  19. Hi all, I have an issue I can't explain. The problem happens only sometimes, and I don't know why. Maybe someone can help me to understand it. When I am in space, engines switched off, I often want to prepare a change of vessel trajectory before switching them on again. For this, of course I use the keyboard and the navBall. Sometimes it works, and sometimes,...not really . When it doesn't work there are two ways: 1/ (The most frequent way) The ship doesn't respond at all...Nothing happens and i need to switch on engines in order to be able to change trajectory. 2/ (Less frequent but it happens sometimes) The ship responds...too much! I mean, I change the trajectory and the ship continue to rotate on itself after I finish, indefinitively until I switch the engines on again. In both cases, I need to switch on the engines before changing the trajectory as I would like and it is problematic because I can't change it precisely and as fast as I would like. Do you know why it is acting like this and how I can avoid it? Thanks
  20. Woah tank you for this very detailed answer. I indeed tried (for the first time) from Kerbin Orbit and it's indeed easier to manage the way to enter the Mun Influence area. Maybe it's a bit less fuel consommative from launch, but it's really more difficult to manage as you said, so it's not really brining value to perform like this I have another issue I want to talk about but I will open a new topic for this.
  21. Thanks, So you are both assuming (and the game training too) that in order to go to the Mun, we need first to orbit (low) Kerbin. Isn't more economic, and less propellant waste to go directly from Launch, without orbiting Kerbin? For me it's a non-sense...
  22. Hi all, Since a few days I have a problem. I need to go to the Mun with some tourists but when I try to target the Mun, the NavBall indicates the current position of the Mun, and doesn't take into account the delay to go there (something like two hours). So when I arrive the mun is not anymore at this position... Few weeks ago, I already targeted the Mun (with another ship, and without tourists), and it was taking into account the delay. So I could manage to approach it easily. Do you know how it can be explained? I don't understand it... Thanks,
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