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Everything posted by FoxtrotUniform

  1. Had to google that. So a donut asteroid? It seems more like a space station. But I'm sure my Dad had the book somewhere. Sounds like Eon (the book) and Cooper Station (Interstellar, which is one of my altime favorite films)
  2. THIS IS NOT ANOTHER VERSION OF CUSTOM ASTEROIDS. IT IS COPYRIGHTED AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CODE LIKE THAT. Hey all, this is my first mod. It's a planet pack that I have been working on for the past few days. I created it because I noticed the lack in mods that provide smaller celestial bodies in the Kerbol System. It adds a few small rocks similar to Gilly, Bop and Minmus (A few smaller!). It will attempt to provide you the gamer with greater challenge. Sorry of the lack of info, I did this in a rush. REQUIRED MODS: Kopernicus Module Manager SUGGESTED MODS: Outer Planets Mod Trans-Keptunian (Look at the final post, it is a version that works with 1.3.0+) What ever mods help you transverse the Kerbol System Pics: Plans: Another asteroid for Eve Moho asteroid Comets Rogue comets and asteroids for extremely experience players Trojans Trans-Neptunian objects (like TK, but different) Capabilities with OPM + TK and maybe KSS and GPP. This is unlikely, as I plan to make more planet packs. Make some Dres-like bodies, not weirdly shaped. Download © CC-ND-SA-DC
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