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Posts posted by Teoras

  1. Hi, I have a problem with the 1.10.1 version of the mod I'm running. It seems that whenever I'm close to a surface of a body, the texture "chunk" glitches out and black squares form in the vicinity, meaning I can't see the surface. I can send a screenshot of this if needed.  The textures only disappear when I'm close to the surface and reappear when I get some distance to them. 
    Does anyone have any clue why this might be?

  2. 5 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

    That's an artifact of scatterer, and the pixelated textures are a bug with KSP's 1.8 terrain shader - It's fixed on 1.9, but we're waiting for Kopernicus to update


    You must be using contract configurator. If you use contract mods you will get the stock contracts. This is absolutely designed for career mode :) 

    Ahh, thank you for the quick response, will try without it :)

  3. Hi there, I've downloaded the mod and honestly, it's probably the best planet pack mod I've seen on KSP so far.

    I've started a career but I'm hesitant to continue it because after I've achieved orbit, I've noticed that the contracts are still the same stock KSP contracts, with the next contracts I have being "visit the Mun" and Minmus and what not. Is there something I'm missing? Or is this not designed to be played with career? I'd appreciate any info, thanks :)

  4. Not sure if this is just me, but after about a month or two of not using CKAN, I cannot launch it anymore. Just gives me this error:

     Error in autoupdate: 
        The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

    and then if I dismiss it, another exception pops up, CKAN.ModuleNotFoundKraken. if I continue, it just gives me the normal CKAN interface but only the mods I had already installed previously, no selection.

    e: also the new version doesn't work, unless I'm not installing it properly or something. Would be good if there were more instructions than 'oh and btw versions prior x don't work :))))'

    e2: also would be good if there was a proper download file instead of 5 different files. Like, which one do I even choose to download? Do I need all of them? Do I install the earlier version first and then do the other one on top?

  5. 34 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

    At the bottom of each of Galileo's post is a red button that reads "How to get support".  If you click on that you'll be directed to a post that provides troubleshooting instructions.  And if you can't fix the problem yourself, it instructs you on what information to provide so that the mod developers can properly diagnose the problem.

    Thanks for the reply. I might one day do this but honestly this seems too much of a hastle at least right now. I was just hoping to find somebody who had the same problem and knows the fix for it. If nobody responds I'll do it, so thanks for letting me know on how to do it.

  6. 13 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    Hey Doc, what's up! :) As for your problem, click the red button in Galileo's signature.

    I recommend you also click the red button in Galileo's signature. Your description suggests the KSC itself is rotated oddly, putting one end of the runway up in the air. Your situation is very unique.

    About having more than one space center to launch from, install KSC Switcher then enter the Tracking Station. The KSC can only exist in one place at a time so don't launch from one spot and hope to find the KSC at another spot. :wink: 

    Hey, what do you mean by the red button in galileo's signature?

    As for the KSC, no, it is fine, its not in the air. I have installed KSC Switcher, too, trough CKAN, or rather tried, as it seems to be already included and conflicts whenever I try to install it.. The part of the runway where you spawn the planes and some other extra buildings of the GSP is under the terrain itself for some reason. The rest of the GSC seems to be fine, oddly. It's like the terrain itself was placed too high on that specific point.


    As you can see in this quickly drawn paint image, everything past the red line seems to be glitched, as far as I can tell. I have a ground traversing vehicle for my kerbalnauts that is small enough to spawn under the ground, and I saw the trees and some parts of the buildings under the ground. The runway levels out and is fine past the red line where the 'this bit is good' is marked.


    Another view. Not sure if the runway is supposed to be like that. Any ideas what might be wrong? I downloaded everything from CKAN.

  7. Hello, so, I'm having a problem. Or two, really. I installed the mod, everything is awesome, but the runway at the space centre is under the ground. It goes up as it goes further, but this means that the planes spawn clipping the ground or entirely under it. I also seem to only have the main space centre as the only selectable runway, and from what I gather, there's supposed to be more than that. Running 1.3.1. What should I do?

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